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Our 2% can help the region

The U. S. Steel Košice Foundation has supported thousands of community-benefit activities in our region over its 22 years of operation.

Who was helped by lentil soup

In mid-November, the city of Košice organized the cooking of the "soup of the poor" for the fifth time. It was on the occasion of the proclamation of St. Elizabeth of Hungary as the patron saint of Košice.

New Year's Eve at the castle

Lovers of history and fresh air exchanged the homey New Year's Eve for the magical atmosphere of a medieval castle.

Grandma's an octopus

We are very happy to introduce you to colleagues who have interesting hobbies through the X App. Whether they are related to volunteering, sports, hiking, astronomy, or creating something nice. The last group also includes Anna Györgyfiová, who works in the department of the director for material management.

Digital detox for the holidays

Christmas season is ideal for digital detox. Take a break from technologies, pursue your hobbies and spend time with your loved ones.

We helped homeless people

To find yourself on the street, without a roof over your head, without money... We can't even imagine it.

"Good is all around us"

The Košice fairytale markets once again showed the power of human generosity and belonging.

Gifts lit up children's eyes

The We Are With You at the Right Time project opened its next chapter yesterday. It is a long-term project that has been operating since 2013 and has helped more than 130 families.

Seniors visited the factory

A dozen of our former colleagues – seniors from the Autumn of Life civic association accepted the invitation to visit U. S. Steel Košice.
1-20 of 162 results


Important contacts

Emergency numbers in USSK:
15, 3 2222, 3 2015, +421 55 673 2222

Regional Service Desk:
3 4400, +421 55 673 4400

Employee center:
3 3300, +421 673 3300

Ethical line:
+421 55 684 2289

Hospital Šaca:
+421 55 7234 111, +421 55 7234 333

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