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We have launched the SmartSteelShop project

Today, March 10, Ľubomír Račko together with Branislav Buľka launched the SmartSteelShop project: Artificial Intelligence-Driven Optimization and Control Models for Steel Production Processes.

Improving air quality at home

The environmental excellence campaign draws attention how you can contribute to improving the air in your home.

Tauris came to steel

For the past two years, Christmas on the X App has been associated with Tauris.

Filling up at your local gas station

Click for a new episode in this ongoing series designed to remind us all about the vital need for environmental excellence at U. S. Steel facilities ...

Thank you for your X App ratings

393 readers participated in our survey on what you like to read on the X App, or what topics interest you. As many as 127 did not limit themselves to just "clicking" the areas we selected, but also wrote us a few words.

Speaking out about industry in Brussels

This week, on Wednesday, a group of 45 trade unionists from U. S. Steel Košice took part in a demonstration organized by IndustriAll with the support of the European Steel Association (EUROFER) in Brussels.

Firefighters on fire and in training

Complete darkness. Smoke that made me unable to see even the end of my outstretched hand. It was very difficult for me to identify that there was a fenced structure next to me.

Steel must not disappear from Europe

A demonstration in Brussels, organized by IndustriAll with the support of the European Steel Association (EUROFER), has just ended.

Trade unionists will go to Brussels on Monday

We have already informed you on the X App that on February 5 there will be a demonstration called "Investing in good jobs in industry", organized by IndustriAll Europe with the participation of all its member organizations.

What species of birds found home at our property

During last year's autumn and winter, we monitored birds in selected locations of USSK – on the body of the Suchá heap and the Sokolany WWTP, where the highest diversity and importance for migrating and wintering birds was assumed.

How to dispose of used batteries?

The environmental excellence campaign draws attention to environmental tips on how to handle and dispose of used batteries ...

More euros on the plate

From January 1, the value of the meal unit increased to 4.65 euros. The employer's contribution is 3.10 and the employee contributes 1.55 euros.

How to dispose of used light bulbs?

The environmental excellence campaign draws attention to environmental tips on how to handle and dispose of used light bulbs with aim to not pollute the environment.

Purchasing and discarding home electronics

The environmental excellence campaign draws attention to environmental tips on how to effectively purchase electronics and ensure proper disposal at the end of their life.

Holiday recycling

The environmental excellence campaign presents environmental tips on how you can prevent the production of waste even during the Christmas holidays.
1-20 of 200 results


Important contacts

Emergency numbers in USSK:
15, 3 2222, 3 2015, +421 55 673 2222

Regional Service Desk:
3 4400, +421 55 673 4400

Employee center:
3 3300, +421 673 3300

Ethical line:
+421 55 684 2289

Hospital Šaca:
+421 55 7234 111, +421 55 7234 333

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