Even though autumn is already in full swing, let's take a look back at the holidays of the children from Luník IX. Since 2009, U.S. Steel Košice and the U.S. Steel Košice Foundation have continuously contributed to the summer activities of children from this housing estate. The funds provided go to the civic association Oheň nádeje (The Fire of Hope in translation), which operates here under the auspices of the Salesians of Don Bosco. They are used to implement summer activities for children and youth from Luník IX, which the civil association and the Salesians of Don Bosco organize every year.
During the past summer, the children enjoyed a suburban camp and three summer school tours in nature. Father Peter Roth says about the program that was prepared for the children:
"The theme of the suburban camp was Mission Lačhipen (Good). It was attended by sixty Roma children who had been attending regular activities at the Salesian pastoral center all year. On the first day of the camp, they were accepted into a secret organization of agents, which is guided by five values: wisdom, courage, cooperation, truth, forgiveness. The program of the individual days was aimed at acquiring these values. The young agents were trained by thirty more experienced colleagues - animators, coming directly from Luník and volunteers from all over Slovakia. For some volunteers, it was the first intensive contact with the Roma world."
The three summer school tours in nature at the Salesian cottage in the middle of the forest, in the location of the former Borda Spa in Slanské vrchy, were also a great success.

"A total of 40 children participated. Two tournaments were for girls, one for boys. They learned to navigate the terrain with a map, learn about plants and trees, treat injuries, or bake pizza. The theme of the stay for the girls was beauty and a healthy lifestyle. They learned how to take care of their skin and appearance, how to prepare healthy treats. The boys learned new tactical and sports games in nature. During creative workshops, children made souvenirs. The program included joint animated prayers and holy masses. In addition to Salesians and pastoral workers, five Roma animators and a few volunteers from among Slovak university students took care of the girls and boys. We used financial support from U.S. Steel to purchase materials and provide food for participants and volunteers. For children from Luník, the residential camp was the strongest experience of the entire summer vacation."
We contributed €2,000 to their holiday activities this year.