Not too many people know that during the Košice Peace Marathon (KPM), the Anička refreshment station operates under the baton of a group of our volunteers. As a USSK team, together with the high school Šrobárova, they take care of the operation of the only two - sided refreshment station at the KPM. Almost 13,000 runners raced past them, and during the peak rush they had to be ready for 200 - 250 runners every minute.
Their job is to lay out tables according to the instructions of KPM organizers, prepare tables for elite runners, fill and continuously refill hundreds of glasses with water and ionic drinks, supply refreshment tables for runners with bananas, lemons, salt, sugar, grape sugar or candy bars. At the end, collect the paper cups, pack and load all the material onto the service vehicles. This year, our volunteers were coordinated by Marián Kušnirák from the Geodesy department.
"I've been coming here as a volunteer for six to seven years, so I have experience. Twenty six of us gathered here this year, our colleagues from USSK and their families and friends. This year's novelty at our station was running water. Thanks to the water distribution, it was possible to fill twenty glasses at once. This made filling easier and faster."
At seven o'clock on Sunday morning, the following colleagues - steelmakers met at Anička to help organize the biggest sports event that takes place in Košice: Slavomír Baran, Adriana Buriková, Katarína Dittelová, Martin Fedák, Jana Hoffmanová, Eva Hunyadiová, Auróra Jajková, Jozef Jaššo, Monika Jeníková, Martin Lörinc, Eva Stanová, Martin Szabó, Adrian Širotník. And they brought other volunteers with them. They shared their impressions and experiences with us.
Katka Dittelová, department of engineering activities and innovations: "The atmosphere was excellent. It warmed our hearts when the runners thanked us for doing this for them in their spare time."
Adrian Širotník, from DZ Studená valcovňa: "I greet everyone and thank you for a great experience. We joked that with our ion engines, rocket fuel and gummy juice „was sold like hot cakes“.
Andrea Buriková, department for logistics, business planning and transport services: "I helped here for the second time. It's amazing that I can make the runners more comfortable by at least encouraging them and giving them a piece of banana or a "snack". We prepared snacks in advance, so we managed to replenish them quite quickly even during the biggest rush of runners. The runners were great, some full of energy, others a little exhausted. They gave thanks for every bite they took. The atmosphere was unforgettable. There was even a ladybug, a jester and people in costumes running on the track. The most emotional thing for me was when a blind runner stopped by my table. He ran with an entourage. Both of them were extremely nice and I believe that after a small snack they ran to the finish line together."
Monika Jeníková, DZ Expedition: "The cooperation of us volunteers was perfect. I received many private messages that evening from the marathoners themselves, how brilliantly we handled the service during their onslaught."
Martin Lörinc, trade unions: "I appreciate and am glad that I could also contribute a little to such a beautiful and big event, which MMM undoubtedly is. The mood was excellent, everyone got to work, found a place, it really went well for everyone. Marián Kušnirák did a great job of preparing, he organized it brilliantly. He was always "at hand". Thank you to everyone involved for a wonderful experience and to Monika Jeníková for convincing me to come to this event."
Jana Hoffmannová, department for logistics, business planning and transport services: "It was nice to see that family members, acquaintances, friends and colleagues often ran together. So it wasn't just about sports performances, but also about spending time with loved ones and friends. I always look forward to the "styling" of the competitors, this year there was a skater on the track in a nice costume."
Eva Hunyadiová, department for logistics, business planning and transport services: "The weather worked for us, the mood was excellent. The reactions of the marathon runners, not only from Košice residents, colleagues and acquaintances, but also from foreign participants, were amazing and commendable. The organization by Marián Kušnirák was at a high level, as if he had been the coordinator for years. He deserves praise for the way he was interested in whether everything was ready and also about us, how we were coping, whether we needed help. We all helped each other. I'm looking forward to the next year."
Coordinator Marián Kušnirák praised the cooperation with another group of volunteers:
"We had excellent cooperation with the volunteers from the Šrobárova gymnasium, who were in charge of refreshments on the opposite side of the track. We were surprised by the water supply across the track, covered with retarders. We had to help some handbikers through it. Finally, the waterworks workers disconnected the water and removed the obstacle from the track. The tables of the Šrobárov gymnasium were thus left without running water, but they managed to refill it from gallons from the Aqua Pro company. We managed everything perfectly, I'm glad that those who participated for the first time praised themselves and want to come next year as well."