Mapping the occurrence of birds in the vicinity of the lake


Mapping the occurrence of birds in the vicinity of the lake

Water is important not only for humans, it is a life-giving fluid for all living organisms on our planet. Without water there would be no life and we cannot survive without water either. Climate change, which affects our lives, is increasingly affecting the country in which we live. The development of the weather brings extreme changes for which we are not sufficiently prepared. However, we can always take small measures that will help not only nature, but also us. One of such measures is the creation of conditions for water conservation in the country.

In the area of ​​U.S. Steel Košice, it was possible to transform an old water reservoir into a biotope full of plants and animals that have found a place to live and reproduce here. The water area can attract a large number of insects and birds, which like to bathe and drink water here. They often lack it in the surrounding country. The surroundings of the water area offer many nesting opportunities for rare and protected bird species. Common wood pigeons, which are the largest of our pigeons, came here to drink first. True redstarts, common blackbird, fieldfare flock here to hunt insects. An eurasian blue tit and a common starling nested in a tree cavity near the pond. On the polyclinic building, rare and endangered common swifts nest, as well as western house martins, which use wet mud to build their nests. A common kestrel nests on the roof of the main building, which finds suitable hunting grounds in the vicinity. The water here also attracts western jackdaws and rooks. The presence of the common cuckoo proves that other species of birds live here and use them as their adoptive parents. Here we can also see young common linnets.

So far, we have recorded only 15 bird species that fly here for water or nest. During the next period, we will monitor which bird species come here or stop during the autumn and spring migration. 

If you want to share your observations, you can send photos to:
Together, we will find out what interesting, possibly even rare or protected species live near the lake and the U.S. Steel Košice area. To enter the competition for a prize that any nature lover will surely appreciate, please include in the copy of the email: We will reward one of you in September.

Photo gallery: RNDr. Peter Krišovský, zoologist, East Slovak Museum in Košice

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