Training aimed at the personal growth of people, the so-called human skills are always a valuable investment in employee development. They help to improve communication and cooperation, strengthen corporate culture and thereby increase productivity and competitiveness in the market. These are non - technical skills that are key to success not only at work but also in personal life. They reflect the level of communication with the environment, personality traits, character traits and behavior.
A development program with the theme of leading people to achieve results is organized for newly appointed managers by Jana Lörincová, consultant for education. The program is designed to lead to more efficient individual and team performance. During the training, participants address the challenges of entering a management position: how to build your own credibility, how to work with a team, how to resolve conflicts, how to provide feedback and recognition, why they are an important motivational tool. All these questions and more were answered by lecturer Erika Falťanová, who has been conducting training for newly appointed managers at USSK for thirteen years.
Erika is an internationally certified trainer and coach. He has been professionally engaged in training and coaching for over 20 years and has extensive experience in managing people in manufacturing and trading companies. He always looks for solutions with his clients and follows the motto:
"If you look for problems, you will find problems, if you look for solutions, you will find solutions."
Marcela Krištofčíková from Purchasing department, head of the Transaction Activities - Material department, shared her impressions: "The lecturer was extremely knowledgeable and was able to explain complex issues clearly and comprehensibly. She provided a number of useful and interesting examples from practice. In addition to theoretical knowledge, we also had the opportunity to gain practical experience in the form of interactive group tasks, which I consider very valuable and I really enjoyed it. One of the other advantages of the training was the opportunity to meet colleagues from other departments. I have already dealt with various work matters with several of them, but we have never seen each other physically. A personal meeting certainly contributes to strengthening working relationships and leads to more effective cooperation. Discussions with other colleagues during the training contributed to a better understanding of the topics and the exchange of experiences. The training was of high quality and I am looking forward to further educational activities that will hopefully be organized. I would definitely appreciate more training in a personal form, as interaction and getting to know other people have their advantages."
Kristína Grófová, director of global purchasing, evaluated the training as follows: "I evaluate specific examples and tasks very positively, along with the expertise and experience of the lecturer. Thanks to the fact that the training was divided into 2 + 2 days, we could better concentrate on the presented topics."
The training took place in two blocks, June 13 - 14 and June 24 - 25. Part of the program is a follow-up, which the participants complete in the fall. Its aim will be to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired during the previous blocks. Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences with the application of acquired knowledge in practice and will have space for questions and clarification of uncertanties.