Yesterday, February 7, 2024, secondary school students and other interested students who wanted to learn more about the prospective study programs of FMMR of the Technical University in Košice, its focus, future plans and areas of its research came to their own. Who knows, maybe soon they will be part of it. Students of secondary vocational schools, "industrialists", grammar school students and other graduates came. From Košice, Podbrezová, Vranov, Prešov and Stropkov. And they certainly didn't leave disappointed. The faculty prepared a truly varied and interesting program for its guests, which was taken care of by teachers and students. Even with the active presentation of partners from U. S. Steel Košice and scientists from three institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, who presented interesting exhibits.
The high school student, third-grader Marek, was definitely not disappointed. He revealed that he personally liked the topics and the way of presenting popularization-expert lectures. "I'm not one hundred percent decided where to go after graduation yet. However, I definitely want to "height", I enjoy technology, maybe it will be this faculty. That's why my classmates and I came here. I was interested in lectures. Much of what I learned here was new and interesting to me. Especially when it comes to recycling and its importance for the environment. I also participated in the competition, which was great, but I didn't get among the first four winners," he noted with a smile before he and other students went to see the modern laboratories that were open to all interested during the Open Day and where they learned a lot of news."We showed students the Laboratory for Battery Research and Innovation, the Laboratory of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, the Recycling Center, the Laboratory of Simulation of Plastic Deformation Processes, the Quality Engineering Laboratory, the Modern Chemical Laboratory and the Water Models of Liquid Metal Casting. High school students could thus see that at the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling they can meet physics, chemistry, biology, environmental protection, IT technologies, modern metallurgy, nanotechnologies, management systems, innovations and much more under one roof," said FMMR Vice-Dean for External Relations and Marketing Martina Hrubovčáková, PhD, and she did not forget to thank all students and teachers who accepted the faculty's invitation to the Open Day.