Design of technology for processing ferrous waste with a focus on reducing CO2 emissions, The need for digitization and robotization in industry, Design solutions for cylinder cleaning in the production of steel coils, Optimization of combustion process on coke oven batteries, Analysis of losses of iron units in the pig iron production process. These are just a few of the current topics of diploma and bachelor theses from the environment of U. S. Steel Košice, on which mainly future graduates of the Technical University in Košice are working today. These include our colleagues studying part-time, university students involved in the corporate program USTN, but also students of universities outside the Košice region, who were approached by the published topic of U. S. Steel Košice through our website and applied for it.
From 2017 until now, 69 students have worked and worked under the consultancy and professional guidance of our colleagues, experienced consultants on solving the problems and projects of the Košice steel plant through diploma theses, the "fabricated" topic of the bachelor thesis was chosen by 34 university students. We cannot forget the dissertations, of which there have been a total of seven in the last seven years, three more are active.
Students will certainly appreciate the help they receive in this regard from the department of the Director for Education and Development when choosing topics, whether diploma or bachelor theses from the environment of U. S. Steel Košice. "One of our goals is to give more incentive to metallurgists studying part-time as well as participants in the U.S. internship, so that, since they know the projects of the plant or department they work on, they devote themselves to solving them in their final theses. Of course, if they want to do this, the topic must be approved in our company, approved by a selected expert in the field - a consultant, but also by the relevant plant director and general manager, and the topic must also be approved by the home faculty. Our experience is that universities have no problem with this. Contrary. They flourish that students come in accordance with their field of study with practical topics and that consultants are people from practice, from scratch," notes Erika Linkesch, coordinator for employee development. "It's a win-win for both sides, it benefits the student and our society. If you are interested and have any questions, I will be happy to provide all necessary information and support."
According to Katarína Matinová, a specialist in education, today about fifty metallurgists study alongside employment at university under contractual conditions. Most of them are employees who are included in the succession plan. An important condition is that the field they are studying is in harmony with their work focus. Therefore, the majority chose to study at the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling and at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Košice.