The Donate Lunch project involved 291 steelworkers who donated a total of 1,707 lunches! They shared their lunches with more than 320 homeless people hosted by the OASIS – Hope for a New Life center. Delirest's van, loaded with the first batch of lunches, will hit the road on December 20. The second batch will be delivered a day later. With 425 lunches a day, they will come to the OASIS center even before the end of the year, on 28.12. and then 29.12. Peter Gombita from the OASIS centre was very pleased with the news of the number of lunches donated: "It is a very nice gesture. Donating not only pleases the recipients, in this case poor people, but also changes the givers. We all need to change. We all need joy, peace, family, close people, and you can't buy that. Without this, the good does not work. Donating is beautiful. God pay." We will report on lunch delivery before Christmas. Title slide: Also last year, before the Christmas holidays, we delivered donated lunches to NO Oasis. hope for a new life.