During the Family Safety Day 2022, Department GM Environment organized an environmental competition and the "Adopt your tree" activity. Your answers in the competition to the question "what was the last thing you did for the protection of the environment?" were awesome and we are pleased that you are doing environmental activities to protect our environment!
The most beautiful answer, which contained everything that each of us should do, was: "I sort waste at home, save water, save electricity, collect waste in the forest, collect bio waste and put them in compost, recycle."
The winners of the competition and activity were excited about winning, whether it was an electric scooter, a vermicomposter, a package with eco-friendly household items or the adoption of a juniper tree (3 pieces).
You can see the reactions of the following winners and the planting of trees in the USS Košice (location of the trees: behind the anti-gas station building) in the photos.
We look forward to seeing you at the next Family Safety Day!
Thank you for your cooperation and help in protecting our environment.
Your enviro team