Generation X is the most represented in our country


Generation X is the most represented in our country

The average age of our company's employees is approaching fifty. This means that Generation X is the most represented in our country, but there are also Boomers, Millennials and people from Generation Z. This means that our work teams also include sixty-year-olds, but also 20-year-old young people.

What are the biggest differences between generations? Boomers are generally solution-oriented, characterized by strong morality and humbleness. People from Generation X participate in various changes, they come into contact with new technologies in their work, but also in life, more than the generation before them. Millennials and Generation X can also be called digital natives, they know their way around the world of technology. They value work-life balance. Young people from Generation Z are self-confident, travel more, share their lives on social networks, have no problem changing jobs and are motivated mainly by financial remuneration.

The basis of good cooperation across generations is communication and feedback for everyone. How are they similar? How to build effective cooperation between generations that would lead to the satisfaction of all parties – greater harmony, creativity and higher productivity?

A very interesting lecture on this topic was organized last week by colleagues from HR with psychologist PhDr. Lucia Vargová Ištvanikova, PhD. 

It provided a lot of useful information that can be applied not only in the workplace, but also in private life – in the family, where it is also necessary to avoid conflicts, the source of which can be intergenerational differences.

If you didn't have time to join, you can find the lecture at this link:

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