June 10, 2022
- We continue distributing donated lunches for refugees accommodated in Košice, as well as providing board and lodging for those in our training center in Medzev.
May 31, 2022
- Since the beginning of March, we have been helping to provide catering for Ukrainian refugees who have found refuge in Slovakia. Through the Donate Lunch initiative, a thousand ironworkers donated 10,458 lunches. Since the beginning of May, our company has supported this project.
- By the end of May, the number of lunches donated had reached 15,656, which in financial terms represents a value of almost €50,000.
- With lunches, we help the refugees who are accommodated in the dormitories of the Technical University and the State Theatre Košice, as well as those accommodated by steelmakers themselves. We also provide free lunches for women who have found work in our laundry room since May and their children.
May 27, 2022
- Today, packages with 600 first aid kits were taken over by Ľudvik Šoltés, a police allotment of the Slovak Republic in Ukraine (pictured left) and Roman Dohovič, the representative of the city of Košice for humanitarian aid to refugees from Ukraine and the partner city of Uzhhorod. They are part of the help that has left our company, for example, in the form of durable food or folding beds for people who have had to leave their homes.
- Till today, we have already distributed 4,739 lunches from a new portion of 8,000 ones, mainly for mothers with children accommodated at the Technical University of Kosice dormitories, as well as for refugees accommodated by The State Theatre Kosice.
- Till today, we have provided 1,746 overnights for 174 adults and children at out Training Center in Medzev.
May 26, 2022
- U. S. Steel Košice President Jim Bruno handed over today a symbolic cheque for the sum of 100,000 euros to the director of the Greek Catholic Eparchial Charity, Anna Ivanková. Read more:
U. S. Steel Košice - USSK put together 100,000 EUR for the Greek Catholic Charity (usske.sk)
May 20, 2022
- Till today, we have already distributed 3,570 lunches from a new portion of 8,000 ones, mainly for mothers with children accommodated at the Technical University of Kosice dormitories.
May 12, 2022
- After distributing more than 10,458 lunches donated by 992 steelmakers during March and April, we have started distributing another portion of 8,000 lunches from U. S. Steel Košice matching sum of EUR 26,000. Till today, we have already distributed 2,065 lunches mainly for mothers with children accommodated at the Technical University of Kosice dormitories.
- Our company has offered its Training Center in Medzev to provide temporary accommodation for refugees. Till today we have provided 1,222 overnights for 169 adults and children.
May 6, 2022
- After distributing more than 10,458 lunches donated by 992 steelmakers during March and April, we have started distributing another portion of 8,000 lunches from U. S. Steel Košice matching sum of EUR 26,000. Till today, we have already distributed 895 lunches mainly for mothers with children accommodated at the Technical University of Kosice dormitories.
- Fundraising among USSK employees organized during March and April amounted to EUR 31,559
May 2, 2022
Today, five young women from Ukraine joined the USSK laundry team as temporary workers. Before that they received training in the OSH Cabinet. Be helping in washing, ironing, folding and sewing work clothes of ironworkers. The young man in the photo is Technical University student Petro Skalovtsi, who came to the training sessions to interpret as part of his free time. Next to him in the back row is Erika Felšöciová from the section Human Resources, who took care of all the contracts and escorted our Ukrainian colleagues to their workplace.
April 27, 2022
- Before 1pm total of 984 steelmakers donated 10,383 lunches. We have already distributed 9,737 ones mainly for mothers with children accomodated at the Technical University of Kosice dormitories.
- Our company has offered its Training Center in Medzev to provide temporary accommodation for refugees. Till today we have provided 916 overnights for 142 adults and children.
April 22, 2022
- Before 1pm total of 963 steelmakers donated 10,203 lunches. We have already distributed 9,122 ones mainly for mothers with children accomodated at the Technical University of Kosice dormitories.
April 14, 2022
- Our company has offered its Training Center in Medzev to provide temporary accommodation for refugees. Till today we have provided 397 overnight stays.
April 13, 2022
- Before 1pm total of 877 steelmakers donated 9,397 lunches. We have already distributed 8,085 ones mainly for mothers with children accomodated at the Technical University of Kosice dormitories.
April 12, 2022
The Foundation of U. S. Steel Košice will donate 1,150 folding beds worth almost 169,000 euros to the city. Until now 800 beds were delivered, and additional 350 beds were already ordered. They should be delivered by the end of April.
April 7, 2022
- Until today 6,792 lunches were delivered. It means that currently we deliver around 250 lunches a day to the dormitories where mothers with children from Ukraine have found their temporary shelter. Unfortunately, the war still continues, and the supply of lunches donated by our colleagues is running out. If this continues, next week on Wednesday we would need to end the distribution of lunches. The company U. S. Steel Košice decided to contribute for the boarding of the refugees the same value as the value of the lunches collected so far. It means 26,000 EUR. Of course, you can donate lunches also this month and U. S. Steel Košice will donate the same amount.
April 6, 2022
- Before 1pm total of 777 steelmakers donated 8,112 lunches. We have already distributed 6,792 ones mainly for mothers with children accomodated at the Technical University of Kosice dormitories.
April 4, 2022
During March , U. S. Steel Košice employees has already put together 20,777 euros in the fund-raising to help Ukrainian mothers with children sheltered in Košice. The fund-raising continues in April as well.
April 1, 2022
- U. S. Steel Košice has extended its support to refugees through laundry services for refuge center next to Košice railway station. First thirty bags were delivered to our Laundry facility today.
March 29, 2022
- Before 1pm total of 767 steelmakers donated 8,013 lunches. We have already distributed 5,056 ones. We have also delivered 62 lunches for Košice State Theatre, which has provided accomodation for refugees from Ukraine.
March 25, 2022
We deliver baguettes not only to the border
Through the Slovak Red Cross our company will donate altogether 10,000 baguettes to the border with Ukraine and to the premises of the “Červená hviezda (Red Star)” swimming pool which has been almost for a month the main aid center for refugees arriving in Košice.
The baguettes are supplied with a significant discount by our partner, the company Compass Group Slovakia. The delivery to the border has been in functioning for a few days, and the first baguettes will arrive at the swimming pool facility today. Compass Group through their partners also provided three large refrigerators.
The photo is of Saša, a veterinary student from Ukraine who assists her compatriots.
We donate 800 folding beds
The Foundation of U. S. Steel Košice will donate the City of Košice 800 folding beds that will be used for accommodation of Ukrainian refugees. The first batch – 350 beds has already arrived to Košice. The next batch – 280 beds is now in the port of Hamburg and will arrive to Košice on Wednesday next week. The third batch with 170 folding beds should be delivered in the next few weeks. The overall value of the delivery is €121,000.
March 23, 2022
Those who help refugees meet
Today was the first meeting of volunteers from our company who help refugees from Ukraine. They help at the border, at the station, in the area of the “Červená hviezda (Red Star)” swimming pool or provide accommodation for people who suddenly had to leave their homes and their country. Forty colleagues responded to the call and shared their knowledge and experience, including six students who are on a year-long paid internship in our company.
“The aim of the meeting is to get to know each other, share information, experience and assist each other”, said in the introduction the Director Public Affairs Ján Bača, who also informed about all forms of humanitarian aid that were implemented by our company since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. The volunteers were also addressed by the Deputy GM Human Resources Services Peter Bencko, who thanked the volunteers for what they do, for their assistance and support.
It was followed by almost an hour of questions, opinions, ideas, and observations. We will definitely forward all comments to the City Crisis Staff.
- Before 1pm total of 761 steelmakers donated 7 934 lunches. We have already distributed 3956 ones.
March 18, 2022
- Today the first refugees from Ukraine took refuge at the Training Center of U. S. Steel Košice.
- Today we went shopping for groceries and hygienic supplies again. Some of our managers contributed and asked us to go shopping instead of them. This time we filled three big shopping carts according to the shopping list from the dormitory at Jedlíkova Street. Yogurts, juices for children, bread, oatmeal, milk, butter, cheese, and other products will last them at least until the end of the weekend.
- Volunteers from U. S. Steel Košice have been providing help at several refuge spots. Dana Gogová and Iveta Mitrová are two of them.
- Before 1pm we have already distributed 3,312 lunches donated by USSK employees.
March 17, 2022
Amount raised for refugees from Ukraine triples
Until now, we have traditionally done fundraising before Christmas, or for families who have fallen on hard times in their lives. This is how today we can ease the pain of those who had to leave their homes and save the lives of their children. Even if the war ends tomorrow, many of their homes were destroyed. They found refuge in Medzev, in dormitories and your assistance will help them to overcome following days and weeks. Employees of U. S. Steel Košice can simply contribute by payroll deduction any time throughout March and April. The raised amount will be tripled, as both, the Foundation and U. S. Steel will contribute the same amount.
March 15, 2022
Before 1pm total of 740 steelmakers donated 7 840 lunches. We have already distributed 2 480 ones.
Collection of food and other utilities
Last week, the steelmakers had an opportunity to bring food and hygienic supplies that are still needed for the women and children from Ukraine staying in TUKE's university dormitories. Some of our managers donated money and asked us to buy everything needed in this refugee spot. Sixteen managers contributed a total of €1,820 to the mediated purchase of groceries. We made our first big shopping today. We filled 3 big shopping carts with goods on the basis of the list from the dormitory on B. Nemcova Street. They contained various items – sponge biscuits for children, spreads, baby formulas, canned food, milk, fruit, cookies, chocolate cereals, tea, coffee, and hygienic supplies. Ukrainian women were very pleased with the purchase; it will last them a few days. On Friday we will go shopping for the women and children staying at the dormitory on Jedlíkova Street and next week we will repeat this "round" again.
March 14, 2022
Before 1pm total of 727 steelmakers donated 7 751 lunches.
We have also published the press release:
“Nothing is more important than human life. We immediately mobilized our financial, material and human resources to help our neighbors in the war,” says USSK President James Bruno. “We want peace, and that is why we must help those who are attacked,” he adds.
“We are communicating with charities, civic associations, local government, as well as the state administration, and at the same time we are calling on other businesses to contribute and to overcome this difficult period together,” said Vice President Miroslav Kiraľvarga addressing business entities. “According to our information, there will be a shortage of beds in Košice in the near future. U. S. Steel Košice will provide the first 350 beds within one week. We will make it together,” M. Kiraľvarga appeals.
You can read the full Press release with an overview of activities by U. S. Steel Košice to help refugees on: www.usske.sk
March 11, 2022
Before 1pm total of 711 steelmakers donated 7 631 lunches.
March 10, 2022
Before 1pm total of 682 steelmakers donated 7 301 lunches.
Material help for the P. J. Šafárik University dormitories
Today we handed over another material help: 30 quick-cooking kettles, 8 microwaves and 4 TV amounting to 725 euros. All equipment is used for dormitories of the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, in which they provide humanitarian help for the refugees from Ukraine.
March 9, 2022
Before 1pm total of 649 steelmakers donated 7 036 lunches.
We sent a truck full of food to Ukraine
"I was contacted by Jegor Ponomareko, who was the purchasing manager for the procurement of mining and metallurgical equipment in Metinvest company, our long-term Ukrainian business partner, and now he serves as the coordinator for the provision of humanitarian aid," says Andrea Egryová, Strategic Raw Materials Manager at U. S. Steel Košice. "We immediately formed a team of people from Purchasing, which ensured the purchase of food and materials according to the list from our Ukrainian partner. We were in contact almost constantly, we exchanged information over the weekend, in the evenings, so that it would take place as quickly as possible, "adds A. Egryová. Durable foods such as flour, oil, milk, sugar, salt, tea, rice and others weighed a total of 17 tons and were stored on 32 pallets. The truck arrived at a terminal in the Polish city of Slawkow, where all humanitarian aid is collected and distributed to people in need in Ukraine.
Smartphones for the city of Košice and the Greek Catholic Charity
Today we handed over 30 smartphones for the City of Košice and other 200 smartphones for the Greek Catholic Charity. The phones are intended for volunteers who work in the field, as well as to create a call-center providing useful advice for refuges in Ukrainian language.
We donated long-life milk
The metallurgists quickly responded to the call to donate milk to Ukrainian refugees. They brought 60 liters of long-life milk to the Greek Catholic charity. However, anyone from general public can help and bring any time durable milk to the House of St. Lazora on Slovenskej jednoty Street 25 in Košice.
March 8, 2022
Before 1pm total of 607steelmakers donated 6 541 lunches.
Opportunity for U. S. Steel Košice employees to donate food
We very much appreciate the help that the ironworks provide to Ukrainian women and children who have found temporary refuge in Košice. We help especially those who are accommodated at the TUKE dormitories on Jedlíkova Street, B. Nemcová and Prešov through the lunches we donated. Since Friday last week, a group of ten mothers with children has joined them, for whom people from the Košice State Theater have found temporary homes.
Small summary:
To date, the number of donated lunches is 6,541. We have already delivered 756 lunches and we are moving on. We are very happy that other colleagues are helping us with this. Lunches are an invaluable help. Since many of the children are tiny, very often one lunch meal serves as dinner as well.
What else do they need help with:
At Jedlíková, students have a very accurate record of everything they receive, they know what they are missing and with what they need help. They are currently running out of:
- Milk
- Chocolate spreads for kids for breakfast
- Fruit
- Canned fish, canned beans, jams
- Tea, instant coffee
- Oil, salt
- Baby food
- “Sunar” (baby dried milk
- Yogurt, milk rice
- Biscuits
- Spreads and vacuum packed sausages
- Butter and cheese
- Shampoos, hand creams, core laundry soap
- Mops with a cleaning handle
If you want to help and bring some of items listed above, you can do so. All you have to do is to bring your purchase to the Public Relations building on Wednesday 9 March between 1 pm and 3 pm or at the same time on Friday 11 March. We will take care of the delivery. We thank you.
March 7, 2022
Before 1pm total of 556 steelmakers donated 5 904 lunches.
March 4, 2022
Before 1pm total of 507 steelmakers donated 5 429 lunches.
First boxes with powerbanks were delivered from U. S. Steel Košice to the Red Cross office today. We have bought 300 devices to enable refugee families to call their relatives that they are in a safe place now. It is not easy to have access to electricity plugs running from Ukraine and majority of refugees enter Slovakia with discharged mobile phones. The Red Cross staff placed several powerbanks to refugee center at the Košice Train Station, and another portion was sent to the Slovak/Ukraine border refugee points.
March 3, 2022
Before 1pm total of 420 steelmakers donated 4 651 lunches.
Electric appliances arrived to dormitories
Also, today we continued with distribution of lunches we donated. Also shipment from NAY Electronics Store arrived to Jedlikova street dormitory containing 5 microwave ovens and 20 quick-action water heaters, purchased by U. S. Steel Kosice to help equip the dorm kitchens. Second stop was Technical University Kosice dormitory at B. Nemcovej street #1 where we delivered 75 lunches and 4 refrigerators, 22 water heaters and 7 microwave ovens also procured by U. S. Steel Kosice.
March 2, 2022
Women from Ukraine need advice/help by calling secure telephone numbers
We will help creating Call Center for women with children. We were contacted by Mrs. Anna Ivankova from Greek Catholic Charity and out colleagues, within just few hours, secured and provided first 15 cell phones to be used by Ukrainian speaking ladies providing refugees with valuable advice.
Today we distributed first batch of lunches
Before 1pm total of 273 steelmakers donated 3 145 lunches. First batch was distributed this morning – 75 lunches to Jedlikova dormitory and 70 lunches to B. Nemcovej dormitory. Part of those will further move to dormitory in Presov.
Do you want to help as a volunteer?
We communicate on an ongoing basis with organizations that help refugees. Based on information gathered, we bring you several ways you can get involved.
- Food delivery to families in boarding schools (dormitories)
We need help delivering lunches to dormitories housing Ukrainian refugees. - Do you want to bring help in person?
They are currently short in the boarding schools at Jedlíková street and would need to deliver food, mainly for breakfast, but also respirators, for example. - Providing information
The city of Košice is looking for volunteers who would work at information points in the city and provide information to refugees from Ukraine. - Durable milk for the Greek Catholic Eparchial Charity
The Greek Catholic Eparchial Charity, which currently has an acute shortage of long-life durable milk, is also helping refugees right on the border.
March 1, 2022
We purchase equipment for dormitory kitchens
Today we are handling purchase or required appliances to equip student dormitory at Jedlikova and B. Nemcovej streets. Namely we talk about 4 refrigerators, 42 water heaters and 12 microwave ovens. Equipment will serve mothers and kids from Ukraine who found refuge and temporary home there, with their food preparation.
Deliveries of lunches to start tomorrow
We donated already 1 420 lunches
We want to thank everyone who decided to share their lunches. First batch of 145 portions will be delivered tomorrow, to dormitories in Kosice and Presov.
February 28, 2022
Lunch this week
Today, Ukrainian TUKE students contacted us, who turned to U.S. Steel Košice for help. Since last Friday, they have been almost constantly taking away from the borders of mothers and children who seek refuge with us. They were given a roof over their heads at TUKE dormitories, where 69 women and children are currently housed. They will stay with us for a day or two until family members come for them and take them to each other. There will be more coming to the dormitories, and we will be helping them this week thanks to you who have decided to donate lunches. Through the support of the Slovak Red Cross, U.S. Steel Košice will help these students with the cost of diesel, because the boys have already exhausted all their financial possibilities. At the same time, we will help them provide hygiene equipment.
We also buy power banks and chargers
For those refugees who stand for long hours at border crossings and are waiting to enter Slovakia, our company will help to stay in contact with their loved ones thanks to cooperation with the Slovak Red Cross by distributing to them power banks and chargers purchased by our company U.S. Steel Košice.
There is also an USSK training center in Medzev
The city of Košice was offered by our company training center in Medzev, which can accommodate and provide meals for almost four dozen mothers with children.
February 2, 2022
It is touching how Slovaks reacted to Ukrainians crossing our border to protect themselves from the attack of the occupiers. They want to help them in every way possible. Easterners were active in coming up with an offer of assistance to the border. According to our information, this complicates the situation to some extent. We will provide information on where help is most needed. So far, for example, the collection in Kulturpark has proven itself, because it was delivered to the border, where they waited more than ten hours. We will keep you informed about what and where refugees need it most. You will certainly be able to donate lunch, for example, we just need to agree the right logistics so that our help gets into the right hands at the right time.