On Tuesday, April 16, names of organizations that will receive support from the Together for the Region 2024 grant program this year were revealed. Eleven organizations will receive a total amount exceeding €30,000. President of U. S. Steel Košice Jim Bruno handed over symbolic checks to representatives of all supported organizations. Also, our employees - volunteers who will participate in the implementation of projects were present. There will be great number of them - 43 skilled volunteers who in their spare time will participate in winning projects. The active participation of USSK employees or employees of its subsidiary is a specific feature of the grant program.
This year we received 34 grant applications. They were inspiring, with lots of good ideas. There was definitely a lot to choose from. Ján Novák, Process Manager of the Program Management Office and member of the evaluation committee evaluated this year:
"Some applications were really excellently processed and provided a more detailed overview of the planned activities. Unfortunately, others did not fulfill their potential, even though the projects were expected to be successful. On the other hand, limited funds do not allow covering all the projects that would ever deserve it. In general, I think the quality of the documents went up. The number of requests has more than doubled compared to previous years, which is a positive result of the USSK initiative to support the region."
Since its establishment in 2008, the program has supported 151 projects in a total amount exceeding 380,000 euros.
The list of organizations and projects supported in 2024:
- Leisure Center, Orgovánová 5, Košice – Smart Children for the Region – 2987 €
- Children’s Rail Košice – Safe Journey: Installation of Protective Tarpaulins for the Historical Rail Cars of the Children’s Rail – 3000 €
- HK Sršne Košice, o.z. – Come Learn to Ice Skate and Play Hockey with Us! – 1000 €
- Town District Košice - Šaca – Nature is the Greatest Gift and the Greatest Teacher – 3000 €
- Družstevná pri Hornáde Village – The Malovieský and Tepličanský Hiking Trail – 3000 €
- Hanigovce Village – Let’s Revive the Castle Spring – 3000 €
- Kostoľany nad Hornádom Village – Restoration, Development, and Presentation of Memorabilia of Kostoľany nad Hornádom Village – 2600 €
- Trstené pri Hornáde Village – Revival of Cultural Traditions in Trstené pri Hornáde Village – 3000 €
- OZ BotaniKE – Revitalization of the Mini ZOO in the Botanical Garden of UPJŠ – 2998 €
- OZ Topľanská Lúčka – No pain - no gain! – 3000 €
- SRRZ-RZ at Cottbuská 1480/34 Kindergarten, Košice – Red Squirrel Nuts – 3000 €
Information about all supported projects will follow.