We are ready to fight the heat


We are ready to fight the heat

Summer also includes heat. However, the current ones are record-breaking. Everyone who experiences them on vacation has won it.  It is the employer's duty to take care of the safe work of people who have to go to work even these days.

How is it in our country? What measures apply in relation to excessive heat load?

Vladimír Manica, Director for OHS and Safety Systems, answers: "We are not waiting for the heat wave to come, we are preparing for it in advance. Our preparation for coping with heat load begins at the turn of April and May, with the distribution of the Plan for Health Protection against Heat Load. It contains a whole range of different measures - technical, organizational, methodological and practical.  It reminds us of everything that needs to be remembered, what needs to be checked or ordered before the outbreak of the "hot" season."

Almost 4,700 air conditioning units are currently in full operation on the premises of the company, from large industrial to office. However, they cannot be installed everywhere, but air-conditioned rooms are available to employees in each operation.

The nature of our operations does not allow us to relax the regime of use of personal protective equipment, what special means help them to cool down?

"First of all, we change employees more often, wherever it is possible and where the operating conditions and the holiday period allow, we pay attention to taking breaks during which they can cool off. Of course, there is a drinking regime. Drinking water and mineral drinks are available to the staff. Compliance with the requirements for protection against heat load and drinking regime is checked daily by technicians of our department, both in the cross-section of the entire USSK and at suppliers. In addition, employees can use special means such as cooling headbands or vests, and in some operations we have installed fans with water mist," says František Štofančík, Director for OHS and Fire Prevention of Primary Production and Suppliers.

Almost 40 km of main roads on the company premises are watered daily by two watering trucks. Stable spraying equipment is in operation on the two dustiest roads.

Thanks to compliance with all these measures, we have not yet reported any nausea caused by heat in the company.

What is it like at home? What do you do to cool down after returning from work? If you have tried-and-tested, well-functioning ideas, share them with your colleagues, also through X App Košice. All you have to do is write us an e-mail to: ifalatova@sk.uss.com. The heat wave is expected to continue...

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