Volunteers donated blood to save lives


Volunteers donated blood to save lives

Volunteer Days 2024 are successfully behind us after past weekend. The event called Steelmakers‘ for Košice started on Friday with the Steelmakers‘ drop of blood. Early in the morning, just before the opening of the polyclinic at six o'clock, a few donors were already standing in front of the entrance. The leader of the donor peloton was Štefan Egri from Shipment Division Plant, who was the first to leave the collection room. Everyone who followed him was also a winner, as well as each patient who will be helped by the donated liquid. Generosity of Steelmakers was proven by more than 35 liters of blood, which was collected during the event. The hematology -transfusion department of AGEL Hospital Košice - Šaca treated 80 donors.

Many of them donated blood multiple times. Rastislav Šelepský and Peter Tamáš from Steelworks Division Plant, Michal Tančák and Peter Chytil from Maintenance Division Plant, Miroslav Čajka from Hot Rolling Mill, Rastislav Piekar from IT department, Martin Lörinc from OZ KOVO, Erik Tomko from Safety and Security, Jozef Hovan from Mechanics Division Plant, Roman Fircák from the operation of the pickling line and many others. They were asked how many times they donated blood so far. The answers were impressive. More than 60, 70, 80, 90 times ... Respectable.

Steelmakers - women also contributed their bit. Anna Györgyfiová and Monika Šipošová from the department of Material Management also invited a friend who was happy to join the steelmakers. Traditionally, they come together as a group, they plan their blood donations in such a way so that they could join Steelmakers’ Drop of Blood. Andrea Furiková from the Finance department was introduced to the donation by a colleague. He no longer joins, but she’s consistent. Colleagues from Maintenance Division Plant Erika Kozmová and Gizela Sasáková arrived together.

Mária Kurucová and Andrea Egryová from Procurement Department did not come alone - their husbands Vladimír Kuruc and Marián Egry are also steelmakers and regular donors. Andrea completed her fiftieth jubilee collection: "I always wanted to donate blood, it's a very simple way to help effectively."

Patrícia Huňady, also from Procurement, the first – time donor, revealed: "I must admit, I registered for Drop of Blood so that I wouldn't have the chance to back down. I don’t feel comfortable. But for me it will only be a moment of discomfort and the blood will help someone."

There were eight first - times donors who joined blood donation. Among them was Jaroslav Križičko from Production Planning, he was motivated by the challenge of Steelmakers‘ Drop of Blood. Jana Lörincová from the Department of Education and Development has traditionally brought "non-steelmakers" with her. One of the first – time donors was her daughter. "We donate blood because we can. Such a nice motto applies here: Don't be afraid, share."

Martin Tkáč from Human Resources also "recruited" donors - "non-steelmakers", one of them first – time donor. He himself has donated blood more than 80 times so far.

For Dana Gabániová from the QMS department, it was the 67th collection. She was accompanied by her family donor trio – two sons and a daughter. They all donated blood multiple times. So far, they have donated an incredible 60 liters of blood together.

The motivation of donors varies. Slavomír Gerenda from Cold Rolling Mill revealed that his first – time donation was for his mother  when she had planned surgery. Since then, he tries to donate regularly. Peter Tulenko from Procurement is convinced that it would be a shame not to help, as he has a universal blood type. He donates blood regularly from the time he reaches adulthood. His colleague Rastislav Tomčík comes from family of donors – his wife and son, a medical student, are also donors. Michal Dečo from the IT - Digital Studio department started his volunteer mini-marathon last year, when he joined the challenge for the first time. He plans to donate blood more often. An unnamed colleague admitted his selfish beginnings with a smile: "There was a mass donation event at the university and we could go on a trip as a reward." Selfish of not, he became a regular voluntary donor...

Colleagues who had no idea about the event also showed up: regular donors Jaroslav Lukáč from Power Engineering Division Plant, Ľubomír Jasaň from Steelworks Division Plant, Patrik Daru from Blast Furnaces Division plant. Štefan Štromp from Blast Furnaces doubled the dose of blood, as he also brought his son. Collection number 75 was completed by Milan Beregszászi: "I became a donor after basic military service, I joined my colleagues back then. I feel better after donating. And I'm also glad that, thanks to screening prior to donation, I know that I'm healthy."

Zuzana Mašľanová and Noémi Orbanová, university students supported by our scholarship programme, helped out at the event. Zuzana spontaneously decided to join the donors during the event and completed her fourth collection.

Many thanks go to the team of nurses under the leadership of head of  the hematology - transfusion department Annamária Bratková. She sees the Steelmakers' drop of blood positively: "Thanks to such an event, it is possible to reach donors who do not come regularly, as well as first-time donors. In addition, the holiday season is starting, the students are on vacation, during this period there are fewer donors. Such activity is welcome."

Two colleagues contacted us before the event. Igor Lefkanič from Mechanics Division Plant canceled his registration because he was going to travel, but he still donated blood on Thursday. Martin Szabó from Finishing Division Plant responded to the call of the National Transfusion Service and donated blood a few days before Steelmakers Drop of Blood, as there was an acute shortage of his blood type. It's not important when, it’s important that they donated...

You can donate blood at any time. The hematology - transfusion department of the AGEL Košice - Šaca Polyclinic at the Entrance Area of US Steel is available to donors on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Photo gallery: Arpád Köteles, Zuzana Baranecová, AGEL hospital Košice - Šaca

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