The Košice self-governing region highlighted exceptional personalities and followable deeds for 2022.
There is good news. Sunday afternoon on April 23, 2023 at the State Theatre Košice was packed with positive information. About exceptional people from the east of Slovakia who achieve world success in their work, who preserve regional traditions or who use their talents for solutions beneficial to others. In the material or spiritual sphere.
The Honorary Award of the Chairman of the Košice Self-governing Region was also awarded to a team of volunteers from U. S. Steel Košice. For the selfless help they have been providing for many years to non-profit organizations in the region during Volunteer Days, for their commitment to their communities, for blood donations and fundraisers to help medical facilities, as well as for the immediate and targeted assistance they provided to refugees after the outbreak of war in Ukraine.
The award from the hands of Rastislav Trnka was received by Ľubomíra Šoltésová from Public Relations, who is the coordinator of corporate volunteering at USSK. "This is a noble activity and we are glad that our long-term efforts are publicly recognized. For many years, our employees have been convincing that the willingness to selflessly help is, fortunately, natural to many people. The company has supported them in this effort for many years and allows them to participate in various forms in supporting the community where they live and work. Volunteering enriches all parties involved, both those who receive aid and those who provide it," says Ľ. Šoltésová.
Among the awarded personalities was also Jozef Topoľovský from the Department for Quality at Tin Mill. For years he devotes his free time to the folklore group Parchovianka, which preserves and develops local folk traditions. In 2021, their dance Karička from Parchovany was added to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Slovakia. The folklore group Parchovianka won the Košice Self-governing Region Award.
"We also have our heroes in the East," said Rastislav Trnka, the county governor. "Our region is varied, full of flavors and colors, and so is the palette of awarded personalities and collectives. Their greatness lies in their conscientious work and in their ability to overcome obstacles." Among the awardees are prominent scientists, IT innovators, promoters of corporate and cultural values.