The third winner has quality headphones


The third winner has quality headphones

Our colleagues from the cybersecurity team have announced a competition for all users of company computers and phones for the summer. In order to raise cybersecurity awareness, they drew one of the attentive employees each month who identified a practice phishing email and reported it using the "Report Phishing" button or to the email address:

This week, a third was added to the two winners of wireless headphones. For the month of August, Patrik Oros (pictured on the left) was drawn: "In the evening, we tried the headphones with my wife, who was very pleased. They are really high-quality, they filter out external noise and noise very well, and the sound from them is of high quality."

Patrik Oros works in IT: "When we received the award, we laughed that finally someone from IT managed to win."   Since the question of whether he has ever been a victim of internet fraud was irrelevant in this case.  We at least asked for advice on what to watch out for: "Internet fraudsters can catch anyone. Even a person who pays attention every day. The most dangerous are those e-mails that pretend to be from a courier service. Especially in cases where someone has ordered something, is waiting for delivery and receives a fraudulent e-mail in which they "click" on the link."

Slavomír Vojtko from the cyber security team, who presented the award, told us that they made three simulated phishing attacks during the summer. They were reported by 22.32 percent of users. They send an average of 12 such "catches" a year. Fortunately, it has never happened in the history of the company that a user was careless enough to open a real phishing and cause serious problems for the company.

Even though the competition has already ended, the sending of practice phishing will continue. So don't get "caught".  Remember that caution is never enough even in private communication.

You can also see the trends of simulated phishing on the intranet page Cybersecurity.

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