European Mobility Week is approaching... and we want to address the topic of sustainable transport more intensively, with your help
As is traditional, the European Mobility Week will be held on 16-22 September this year. This campaign is covered by the European Commission and aims to promote sustainable urban mobility. The campaign targets European local authorities and has been working to change behavior in favor of active mobility and public transport since 2002. The main theme of this year's edition will be better accessibility with the motto Let's travel responsibly.
As a company that proactively addresses the topic of sustainability, U. S. Steel Košice fully supports the goals of the European Mobility Week. In the context of this campaign, we want to focus on the mobility of our employees in the context of commuting.
Although public transport is often seen as synonymous with sustainable urban mobility, this is not the only option. Other transport solutions are also available, such as carsharing or the use of shared bicycles and scooters. How do you travel to work? What is your experience? What plays the biggest role in decision-making? Are you willing to change anything? What could be the motivation? We would get more data from survey which we have placed on X App Košice.
Great admiration goes to colleagues who already come to work using public transport, bicycle, motorcycle or sharing one means of transport. We even have those who have decided to get to work just because of their feet, and running has become a lifestyle for them.
A sustainable approach to nature, the environment, and community starts on an individual basis – it's up to each of us.