She didn't let herself be caught, she won headphones


She didn't let herself be caught, she won headphones

This morning, Slavomír Vojtko, Process Manager for Cyber Security, handed over the prize – wireless headphones to Oľga Jeňová from DZ Studená valcovňa.

To raise awareness of cybersecurity, our IT colleagues have decided to draw one of the attentive employees every month to identify a practice phishing email and report it using the "Report Phishing" button or to the email address:

Oľga Jeňová is one of the cautious employees who cannot be "caught": "I report suspicious e-mails and practice phishing regularly. But I didn't notice this summer competition at all, so I was even more surprised by the win. I was pleased, I will definitely use the headphones." When asked if it has already happened to her, in private, that she fell for fraudsters, she replied: "Not to me yet, but I know many people from my surroundings who have already had it happen and then they were very horrified."

The competition for headphones lasts until the end of August. For more information, please visit:

Don't get caught and you might catch the prize - U. S. Steel Košice (


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