We have already contributed to the upcoming Earth Day today
This is called an active start to a new work week! Already before eight o'clock in the morning on Monday, April 17, 2023, a group of about twenty people gathered, determined to personally help in planting seedlings of new trees. This time on the outside of the campus near gate no. 4. Top managers of the company gathered here, along with employees who regularly participate in volunteering events.
"I am extremely proud of our Košice team. Nowhere else have I seen such passion for helping the community," said Bruno, president of U. S. Steel Košice James Bruno.
Vice President of Engineering and Innovation David Hathaway also arrived in a optimistic working mood. "With this Earth Day event, we want to commemorate our commitment to the environment. Symbolically, by planting saplings. One adult tree can absorb 21 kg of CO2 per year. When the 50 trees we plant today grow, it will be more than 1,000 kg," he told his colleagues in his introduction.
Planting seedlings of new trees, especially oaks and elms, is one of many concrete steps towards nature. Trees are the lungs of nature, they produce oxygen and vice versa, they capture greenhouse gases, are a refuge for animals, reduce dust, cool the environment and improve the microclimate overall.
"A commitment to producing iron and steel in an environmentally friendly way is one of our basic business principles. And we succeed! In addition to complying with all legislative requirements, we are doing much more," says Miloš Fodor, General Manager for the Environment. We regularly inform about our results and activities in reports on the state of the environment, on the website and through the application X App Košice." (in the section Saving energy and the environment, author's note).
Planting was actually fun with good organization...
What about the rest of you? Will you join such an initiative and plant at least one new tree in your garden or neighborhood? When it grows, it can produce oxygen for 1 day for a family of four
Alternatively, you can be inspired by colleagues we asked for a tried and tested or unconventional tip for helping nature. Here are their suggestions:
- Let's keep bees
- Let's collect rainwater
- When shopping, use our own bags and cotton sacks for vegetables and fruits
- Let's walk or bike more than drive
- Let's not waste water, electricity or other resources
- Let's each do our own specific act, and nature will surely feel it