More about the pond thanks to the new info board


More about the pond thanks to the new info board

A new information board has been added near the pond in the entrance area. The staff of the UPJŠ Košice Botanical Garden took care of its content and installation. It was officially unveiled today by Miroslav Kiraľvarga, vice president for external relations, management and business development, and Robert Gregorek, deputy director for operations of the UPJŠ Botanical Garden.

Thanks to the information board, you will find out what types of plants are found in and around the pond and which representatives of the animal kingdom it provides the environment for. The UPJŠ Botanical Garden is investigating the life of this aquatic biotope. Measurement data ​​will be compared with the urban environment - the biotope of the upper section of Mlynsky nahon in Košice. The information board also contains a QR code that directs you to the website  Water pond - water and greenery in the industrial area of U. S. Steel Kosice, where you can learn more about this scientific environmental project. The website will be continuously updated with new information and interesting facts.

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