Our nearby neighbour, the shelter for abandoned animals located between Haniska and Ľudvík dvor, needs no introduction. Thanks to the Civic Association of the Union of Mutual Aid of People and Dogs, the animals here are provided with comprehensive veterinary care, deworming, vaccination, chipping, neutering as well as demanding examinations and operations. Currently, there are approximately 230 dogs. Another 50 dogs and cats are placed in temporary care.
We will try to prove that we are a good neighbor of the shelter for the 17th time on Saturday,
June 22, by volunteer work during the Steelmakers for Košice event. We missed this location only once in the history of volunteer days, due to coronavirus pandemic.
Romana Šerfelová, director of the Civic Association and head of the local shelter, prepared a work plan.
The help of skilled carpenters will be welcome in making a shelter that will serve the dogs in their enclosure. Carpenters’s help will be also needed for repairing benches in the volunteer zone and the footbridge over the stream.
Strong men will be needed for hauling gravel to the paddock, carrying firewood and clearing trash from behind one of the buildings.
However, the work of women - volunteers will also be much needed. Painting of shelters and benches with a protective coating, or gardening work is on the plan.
Traditionally, it will be necessary to mow, rake, clean inaccessible places from weeds. The overgrown bushes, where wild boars curiously appeared this year, need to be thinned out and adjusted.
So, are you tempted by work? Join the volunteers at the animal shelter on Saturday, June 22, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
We will start registration in mid-May, through our intranet. You can find more information about Volunteer Days on the website of U.S. Steel Košice:
Volunteering - U. S. Steel Košice