On the occasion of the 260th anniversary of the founding of the Mining Academy in Banská Štiavnica and the 70th anniversary of the activities of its successor of the Faculty of Metallurgy, now the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling of the Technical University of Košice (FMMR), solemn assemblies of the academic community and the Scientific Council of the FMMR were held on October 6. On this important occasion, dean Iveta Vasková awarded the Memorial Award to important partners of the faculty. For the largest industrial partner of FMMR, the company U. S. Steel Košice, s.r.o. Marek Jenčo, Deputy General Manager for Primary Operation, received the award.
The celebrations of the faculty continued in the evening at the Meeting of Graduates of FMMR associated with the traditional metallurgical celebration in the House of Arts in Košice, where students, graduates, employees, representatives of educational and scientific research organizations from Slovakia and abroad gathered. The whole ceremony was opened by the Dean of FMMR Iveta Vasková: "There is not the strongest who survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one who can best adapt. We have our history, we have our future, and what we need now is to see the opportunities and seize them. I would like to take this opportunity to express the hope that our faculty will continue to proudly carry the ambassador of education, educate the next and next generations of bachelors, engineers and PhD students, and witness the formation of future generations of our descendants."
For their significant contribution to the development of the Faculty of Materials, Metallurgy and Recycling of the Technical University of Košice through their projects and innovative ideas, Vladimír Marcinov and Ivan Mosej received the Student Personality award. This award reflects the goals of the faculty, that it is creativity, creativity and interest in solving problems in science that are the basis for a successful career and problem solving in practice for our graduates after leaving the gate of the "alma mater". This year, the award was also awarded to a team of employees from U. S. Steel Košice, who are also students of the 2nd year of the combined method of the metallurgy study program, for solidarity and support. After the severe injury of his classmate František Királ, they did not remain indifferent and provided him with the help he needed so badly at that time.
Author: Martina Hrubovčáková, Vice Dean for Public Affairs and Marketing